2 min readNov 8, 2020


WOW!!!! A great piece, Sherry!

For 4 years I have been asking, "What do these people see in Trump??? He is so obviously a sick man... a malignant narcissist... How can they not see this???"

I am trying to formulate a new theory... That is... They really don't care what he is... The more caustic the better... It is not so much a love for Trump as it is a hatred of those who do not share their views. Trump is just a symbol for expressing their hatred spawned by their fears of disenfranchisement.

In 2009 I wrote an article asking, "Is This the Beginning of the Second American Civil War?" Inspired by backlash to Obama's election. That was nothing compared to what we have now. Even with Biden's election, we are teetering on the precipice of the collapse of the vision for democracy our founders proposed.

The only hope for reconciliation lies before us. Liberals have often been just a little too compliant... I wrote an article about that during the battle for what we now call Obama-care. It is a very tricky tightrope we liberals must walk... standing up for our principles, and simultaneously holding out an olive branch to those who disdain our principles (BTW - I thought Biden did a masterful job of that in his victory speech). We will never win them over by telling them their disdain is illogical and not in their own self-interest (even though it is). Hopefully, we can hold it all together long enough for them to arrive at that conclusion on their own.

Bravo... Bravo... BRA-VO!!!!

[ Mal bows down to Sherry with his best downward dog pose... ]




Written by Mal

On the internet they can’t tell that you’re actually a dog…

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