We can do all sorts of things... The problem is that we are doing too damn much. We (humans) are endowed by evolution with a combination of traits that make us catestrophically dangerous. Those being, mobility, dexterity, and intellectual prowess. Other creatures have some of those traits, but only humans have all three.
The spiral diagram in one of your other articles illustrates the nature of the problem very well... We crossed the Rubicon about 220 years ago, when there were about one billion of us... And importantly, we were doing less. Until 1800 or so, the rate of change was much slower... And there were many fewer of us. Then both our numbers and our activities (technology) took off. Naturally, we are very enamored with our innovations. They bring us comfort and security that was scarce for our predisesors. Now we are riding a runaway train... And when it finally comes to a stop, it's not going to be a pretty scene.