Trump is so profoundly insecure that he erects a fantasy bubble around himself… When presented with irrefutable facts that make him look bad in any way, he brushes them off as “fake news” or “non-existent”…
Many ask how is it that such a bizarre and threatening personality as the Donald manages to retain a powerfully loyal following? The Simple answer is that within every society there are significant numbers of folks who are haters and bigots at heart, lapping up fear mongering either overtly or covertly as a core part of their personality.
Sadly, very true… but there are also others who are not haters at the core, but but former supporters of progressive ideas and candidates… people who are so tired of seeing their own life circumstances fall into ruin that they will try anything that is different… and they are getting sucked into the hatred vortex.
And finally, please forgive me for putting forward the following imagery… but your reference to…
Trump fits a personality type called unbridled present hedonism.
…leaves me wanting to voice something that comes to mind for me every time I see him on stage at any of the rallies he attends…
“unbridled present hedonism”… When he struts about the stage clapping and waving, it is as though he is standing before the crowd unabashedly jacking off… and they cheer…
Trump is a very sick man indeed. And he has revealed a societal sickness that was apparently lingering mostly dormant until he gave it permission to metastasize.