The notion that the audience members would boo you or anyone is just disgusting to me. Several years ago I auditioned for a part in a play. I was given a small role. Not mincing words, I was terrible. A good actor can easily inhabit the persona of the character they are playing. I am so overwhelmed with fear that I will forget my lines and end up moving like the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz... and, I do end up forgetting my lines.
The theater manager thought I might be okay with some of the off stage rolls like back stage crew, booth crew (lights and sound, etc) so I tried that and did well. Soon, I gradguated to rehearsal stage manager and production stage manager. I did that for many years, and many very interesting things happend in that roll. On one occasion of a live performance, I was going to run both lights and sound, but the stage manager was sick, so I had to call the show and run everything in the booth. The show must go on...