Some Basic Facts

3 min readJan 17, 2023


About world-wide human population…

70,000 BC — Just a few thousand surviving humans

The human species, Homo Sapiens, has existed for about 300,000 years. About 70,000 years ago there was a catastrophic eruption of the Toba super volcano. This cataclysm reduced the world-wide human population to only a few thousand. Many other species were also drastically reduced.

2001 A Space Odyssey image of Pre-humans — It is very difficult to find realistic human images from 70,000 BC. In 70,000 BC, after the cataclysmic Toba eruption, there were only a few thousand contemporary humans

2,500 BC — 20 million humans

Around 2500 BC (4500 years ago) Khufu had the great pyramid built. At that time the total world-wide human population was about 20 million.

Egyptian Pyramids c. 2500 BC — 20 million humans

600 BC — 80 million humans

In 588 Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian army captured Jerusalem and destroyed the temple. At this time there were 80 million humans total on the planet. Today, we add that many humans to the planet every year.

In 588 Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian army captured Jerusalem and destroyed the temple.

0 AD — 170 million humans

Only 2500 years later, at the time of Jesus Christ, the world-wide population had grown to 170 million.

The time of Jesus 0 AD — 170 million humans

1492–450 million humans

When Columbus discovered the Americas, less than 1500 years after the birth of Christ, the world population had grown to 450 million.

Columbus 1492 — 450 million humans

1804–One billion humans in 70,000 years

Another 300 years after Columbus’ discovery, when Lewis and Clark set out on the Corps of Discovery Expedition in 1804, the world population reached one billion.

Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804 — One billion humans

70,000 years to grow the total world human population from almost nothing to one billion in 1804…

1804–1 billion humans in 70,000 years

1927–2 billion humans in 123 more years

1960–3 billion in 33 more years

1974–4 billion in 14 more years

1986–5 billion in 12 more years

1998–6 billion in 12 more years

2010–7 billion in 12 more years

2022–8 billion in 12 more years

70,000 years to grow the total world human population from almost nothing to 80 million in 600 BC. Today we add 80 million humans to the planet every year… year, after year, after year…

I don’t understand how anyone can look at these simple facts and fail to see that we, and by we I mean every living thing on the planet, are in very dire trouble.




Written by Mal

On the internet they can’t tell that you’re actually a dog…

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