I really don’t get it… AT ALL!!!
I know there are thousands, millions, tens of millions of people who think he hung the moon. Under most circumstances I would say, “Come on Mal, if that many people like him, he can’t be all bad… there has to be some reason all those people like him.” Well… I’ve looked… In fact, I have to say I have been obsessed with trying to figure out this dilemma for a long time.
Perhaps you have guessed that I am talking about Donald Trump. If so, you’re correct. It isn’t just that I can’t find any meritorious qualities or actions in Trump’s history. My feelings for Trump are influenced much more by his single-minded selfish actions and statements… which I find utterly disgusting! We all make mistakes. We all have done things we regret. Most of us recognize our transgressions, own them, and resolve to do better going forward. Not Trump. In his mind, he doesn’t ever make mistakes. He sees himself as some sort of ubermensch. Remember, “I alone can fix it.”
I bet you are thinking, this guy (me) is some kind of liberal. If so, right again. I was no fan of George W. Bush when he was president… but by comparison to Trump, GWB looks to me like a combination Albert Einstein and Mahatma Gandhi. While I didn’t care for many of GWB’s policies, I still believe his intensions were good. GWB cared about us, and was doing his best to server the interests of America and the American People. Not Trump… His only interests are self-aggrandizement and self-enrichment. If it weren't for all the detrimental impacts he has had on all of us, I would feel sorry for such a pathetic individual.
So… going back to my statement in the title of this article, “I don’t get it.” For some time I have been trying to think of an analogy that sufficiently illustrates just how perplexing I find Trump’s popularity. Actually, the perfect analogy occurred to me several years ago… but it is kinda crude, so I have been trying to think of a less crude alternative that conveys my feelings just as well. I haven’t come up with anything. So… I am going to illustrate my original analogy now…
It’s a birthday party… and it’s time for desert… The host comes out saying, “It’s time for desert, and we have two choices. First we have a delicious ice cream Sunday, with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, sprinkles, and a cherry on top.
And for our other choice we have…
a dish of dog poo…
Then half the people at the party jump up and down saying, “Oh boy!!! I want the poo!!! I want the poo!!! Can I have sprinkles too?”
Okay, that’s not a picture of dog poo… but you get my point, right?
I’m sure there are some people who will say, “Yes, I get the point… but Biden or Hillary or any Liberal is the poo.” Fair enough… those people don’t like my liberal ideology… and I don’t care much for right-wing ideology. I wasn’t a fan of Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, and many people expressed their disdain for Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton. But, most importantly, all those people are all very intelligent, and people whose intentions as leaders was to do what they believed was best for America and it’s citizens. You may believe that Donald Trump has similar motivations. To be perfectly honest, I don’t understand how anyone could see Trump in that light… let alone tens of millions. This is why… “I really don’t get it… AT ALL!!!”