Nov 9, 2020


Geeeeezzzz!!!! You don't waste any time bashing Biden for not being your dream candidate. For starters, your arguments might hold more water if you gave him some time to get something done... which will be exceedingly difficult if we don't gain control of the Senate.

I am liberal... very liberal, yet I am also a strong believer that the thing that makes our country work is... COMPROMISE!!!!!!! We are a nation of diverse ideologies. Nobody gets to have everything just they way they want it.

Even though my favorite candidate was Elizabeth Warren (I liked Bernie too), I was relieved to see Biden as the Democratic candidate because, more than anything I am hoping the new administration might do... I want to see Trump out!!!! If we are going to get to the a government more like the Scandinavian democratic socialism I prefer, it has to be done incrementally. If we rapidly swing to the left, it will not be long before the pendulum goes the other way. The righties have been working for decades (very cleverly, I might add) to shift the center to the right... and they have been very successful.

As important as any specific policy we may be hoping for, healing the severe ideological divide, the ideological civil war, is equally important.

I have been blogging for 13 years... In that time I have seen plenty of "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing"... Your article gives me cause to wonder if you are another. Either way, I think your rhetoric is not helpful.




Written by Mal

On the internet they can’t tell that you’re actually a dog…

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