1 min readFeb 9, 2020


Complacency… too busy reading my twitter feed to get to the polls… Tired of voting for the least bad option… so I’ll sit on my backside and make love to my social media feeds… num… num… num… Yummy.

We need a real wake up call… a bucket of cold water in the face… America has never… NEVER!!!! … been this close to the demise of our nation… The Civil War brought us 600,000 dead… What we are seeing now does not have the physical carnage that we got in the 1860s… But the division stoked by Mitch and the rest of the “Republican” sycophants… The abject refusal to recognize that nobody gets to have everything there way… the “if-your-not-like-me-then-you’re-my-enemy” stance brought to us first by Karl Rove and Newt Gingrich has now metastasized into the second American Civil War.

If Trump looses, don’t be surprised if he declares Marshall law… Does that sound like hyperbole to you??? Let’s not forget that nobody, not even Trump himself, though Trump would win in 2016.




Written by Mal

On the internet they can’t tell that you’re actually a dog…

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